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A Comprehensive Course of Study


Initiatory Path of the Tarot



Unlock the Deep Symbolism of the Tarot and

Develop Western-based Meditation, Ritual, and Divination Skills

The Initiatory Path of the Tarot comprises twenty-two lessons—each focused on one major arcana card from the tarot. This course initiates you into the inner worlds of the Western Mysteries through the deep symbolism of the tarot’s major arcana. These twenty-two cards form the foundation of a Western spiritual path. When you engage the potent symbolism of each tarot card through via meditation, divination, and corresponding intentional acts, you open doorways into the deep interior of the self and the collective imaginal world.

The course is taught in seven modules and follows a fun and focused thematic progression: Court, Guides, Changemakers, Underworld, Stellar World, Virtues, Alchemy.


Module 1 which includes the first three lessons


What Makes this Course Unique

1. Harnesses the Power of the “Primary Symbol Group”
In a side-by-side comparison of major arcana cards spanning 500 years, and through careful observation and tabulation, I derived the “primary symbol group” for each major arcana card—the core collection of symbols that have gathered around each card’s archetype since the tarot’s inception.

When one consider this symbolic core, an essential message is revealed which often profoundly deepens one's understanding of the card and connects one to an authentic tradition behind the Tarot.

This course emphasizes the importance of each card’s “primary symbol group” and distinguishes between this symbol group and the “extended symbol group”—that is, correspondences based on other systems, such as astrology and the Kabbalah.

2. Flows with the Lunar Cycle
Lessons flow with the lunar cycle and begin on the new moon with a specially crafted divination. I approach divination as in ancient times, not as a simple foretelling of the past, present or future, but as a means of receiving guidance and teaching from inner sources of wisdom.




As the moon waxes (grows to full), you practice an active meditation approach to the inner worlds that employs the creative imagination. Each meditation takes you to the mythical “Land of Oma,” an inner representation of the axis mundi (cosmic axis, world pillar, navel of the world). The Land of Oma when visited regularly is a potent tool for gaining insight and bridging your inner and outer worlds.

During the waning moon, I encourage you to take a more receptive approach with a meditation grounded in stillness and surrender.

Along with training in divination and meditation, each lesson provides you with instructions for ritual. Ritual is action of a symbolic nature done with intent. Rituals are often, but not always, performed on the full moon.

Within the Western Mysteries, ritual is used to focus your mind, imagination and desire towards experiencing the numinous and to participate in acts of creation, communication, and celebration.

Yggdrasil, the Norse World Tree, and an example of axis mundi
Yggdrasil, the Norse World Tree, and an example of axis mundi

3. Follows a Fun and Focused Thematic Progression
Instead of following the traditional numbered sequence of the major arcana, these lessons are grouped into the 7 thematic modules described below.


  • The Court: Fool, Empress, Emperor

    Set important groundwork for meditation and ritual practice.
    Exercises include: The Fool on Mt. Eru, Taking Flight,
    Full Moon Ritual, Alpha Male Spread.

  • Guides: High Priestess, Hierophant, Hermit
Become acquainted with key guides in the Land of Oma.

    Exercises include: Magda’s Cave, Initiation Spread,
    Ritual of Purification and Blessing.

  • Changemakers: Magician, Chariot, Wheel of Fortune
Harness the power of the Changemakers.
    Exercises include:
    Magic in the Marketplace, Invoking Change Spread,
    Seeding the Inner, Empowering a Talisman.

  • Underworld: Hanged Man, Death, Devil

    Visit three manifestations of the underworld
    (temenos, crypt, and cornucopia). Exercises include:
    Dance of Death, Letting Go Ritual, Feast of Shadows,
    Seeds of Fertility.

  • Stellar World: Tower, Star, Moon, Sun
Important inner contacts await. Learn more advanced skills. Exercises include: Caer Rosyn: Tower of Secrets, Soul Loss Spread, Lighting the Eternal Flame Ritual, In the Library with Ogma.

  • Virtues: Strength, Justice, Temperance

    Success in the Great Work of personal transformation depends upon the development and exercise of virtue. Where do you stand? Exercises include: Empowering Fortitude, Subtle Body Spread, To the River Dika, Bow of Promise Spread.

  • Alchemy: Lovers, Judgement, World

    Foster the alchemy of conjunction—the marriage of opposites—and the production of the Philosopher’s Stone. Exercises include: At the Forge, Coniunctio Spread, Seat of Reckoning, Stirring Up Spirit, Sophia.

What You Get With Each Lesson

Each lesson is comprised of text, video, and audio material. I demonstrate many exercises on video and the instructions for all exercises can be followed online or can be downloaded as a PDF. Each lesson includes three livestreams:


  • Once a month during a live stream I will start you on the work of the lesson and answer questions about any of the material. Sessions are recorded and can be accessed later for those who cannot attend at the scheduled time. (The length of each session depends on the number of people attending, typically an hour.)

  • You are also invited to a two hour live stream where you can work your tarot spread for the month in a visual journal. I demonstrate, give suggestions, and answer questions. It's a great way to get more from the reading, incorporate and integrate material from the guided meditation, and build reading skills.

  • On the first day of the dark moon cycle, join me and others students in silent meditation for 30 minutes. I will lead us in the Mystical Meditation of the Rose and finish with a compassion practice.


You will also receive:


  • 10-15 page PDF packed with information and images explaining the history and meaning of the card’s symbolism from the tarot’s inception in the 15th century revealing its mythological underpinnings.

  • A correspondence chart of the tarot key’s “extended symbol group,” these are attributions from other symbol systems like astrology and Kabbalah.

  • A divination guide based on the discoveries that the primary and extended symbol groups reveal.

  • A guided meditation for developing your inner connection to the card’s archetype.

  • A uniquely designed and tested tarot spread specific to the lesson material. This spread is crafted to personalize the teachings as they apply to you and your life. 

  • A suggested ritual enactment incorporating material from the lesson’s work. 

  • Access to an online group where you can engage with others in the course and get additional support and feedback from myself and others.

Prerequisites and Recommendations

There are no prerequisites. But, I recommend that you have some basic knowledge of the tarot. If you feel you need a refresher, begin by enrolling in the Learn the Tarot course. (This course is included for free when you sign up for the first module.)


While taking the Initiatory Path of the Tarot, you will need:

  • A Waite-Smith tarot deck. (You may wish to use a deck other than the Waite-Smith. This is fine, but it will work best if you use it side-by-side the Waite-Smith deck.)

  • A notebook or binder to serve as your tarot journal.

  • There are no required books. However, I provide lists of optional reading at different points in the course.


I recommend you put aside time to work with the lesson material. You will receive the most benefit if you can:

  • Be committed to increasing self-knowledge

  • Make an effort in pursuing the practices, and

  • Keep an open and inquiring heart and mind

I encourage you to attend live stream sessions when they occur. But, how much time you wish to spend as part of the community is up to you.

Get Feedback

You can receive help and get your questions answered by participating on the forum where I or someone else can answer your questions. I monitor the forum frequently. If you feel the need for a more in depth or private response, you can contact me about arranging for personal mentoring.

Key Takeaways

The rewards of this course are skill, knowledge, and spiritual connection. With sincere and consistent effort you can expect to:


  • Gain understanding and insight about the symbolism and the meanings of the major arcana cards, as well as the major traditions that are encompassed by the Western Mysteries.

  • Learn how to use the tarot for personal divination and have at your disposal 22 unique spreads for specific purposes, such as New Beginnings, Inner Work, Deliberation, Soul Loss, Healing, Growth.

  • Create a tarot journal containing your associations, meanings and personal insights gleaned from your readings. Your journal becomes an indispensable resource for understanding future readings and your personal symbolic language.

  • Become adept with the ritual practices of the Western Mystery Tradition.

  • Receive the health and emotional benefits of meditation. You may also experience peace, feel connected to the pulse of life, and access an inner source of creativity from your meditations.

  • Establish a personalized and integrated spiritual practice that you can further develop after you finish the course.

By the end of the course, you will have an evolving map of your inner worlds that you can navigate to seek wisdom and support in your continued search for self-knowledge and the expansion of consciousness through the integration of the inner and the outer, the dark and the light.

Through this, you are working the western spiritual tradition that is the Tarot.

How Much Does the Course Cost?

The twenty-two lesson Initiatory Path of the Tarot is purchased by the module. The seven modules are The Court, Guides, Changemakers, Underworld, Stellar World, Virtues, Alchemy. Each module costs US $297.
A monthly payment plan is available ($99/month).
When you purchase a module, the three included lessons are automatically delivered to you one-by-one every 28 days.


With the first module FREE bonuses include:


  • A copy of my book The Tarot Court Cards (Inner
    Traditions, 2003). A $16.95 value.

  •  Learn the Tarot for Self Discovery, Insight, and Fun
    (workbook plus access to online materials),
    a $24.95 value.

  • An optional, complementary 30 minute phone
    call with me to discuss your learning objectives for
    the course. A $70.00 value.

If at any time you decide the Initiatory Path of the Tarot is
not for you, let me know and I will refund you for the last
lesson delivered ($99).

How to Get Started

Registration opens to new students three times a year (January, May, September). Click the button below to sign up for the next cohort.




Still have questions, read the FAQ or contact me.


Module 3 of the Initiatory Path of the Tarot
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